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The Difference Between SMD and DIP of Outdoor LED Display
05/22 2019/
The Difference Between SMD and DIP of Outdoor LED Display

SMD outdoor led display and DIP outdoor led display, which is better? I think that the right one is the best. We should consider the budget, the environment and other factors to choose the m...

What Constitutes the Price of LED Display?
05/18 2019/
What Constitutes the Price of LED Display?

In fact, as long as you understand the composition of the led display price, you will know how to choose.

How to Calculate the LED Screen Size According to the Area?
05/15 2019/
How to Calculate the LED Screen Size According to the Area?

Some customers do not understand the size of the led screen, only tells the area. In this case, how to calculate the size of the indoor led display?

How to Distinguish the Quality of P2.5 LED Display?
05/10 2019/
How to Distinguish the Quality of P2.5 LED Display?

Everyone knows that led modules are an important part of led displays. If there are problems with the led module, it will directly affect the quality of the P2.5 led display! So, how to disti...

Four Major Misunderstandings About Purchasing LED Display
05/06 2019/
Four Major Misunderstandings About Purchasing LED Display

First, buy big led screen, don't just look at the price. Second, the "same model" led display is not necessarily the "same product". Third, the technical specification parameter value is not ...

How to Keep Dry for Stage Rental LED Display?
05/05 2019/
How to Keep Dry for Stage Rental LED Display?

Since the stage rental led display often participates in various indoor and outdoor activities, the led cabinets are frequently transported and shipped. How to prevent moisture is a common to...

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